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Medical Laboratory Sciences - Job Description

Medical laboratory scientists, also known as biomedical scientists are involved in lab-based tasks such as sampling, testing and measuring in the field of medicine. They study samples obtained from the human body. The outcomes of their research inform medical practice and procedure and can help to tackle major diseases. In small laboratories they perform many types of tests, whereas those in large hospital laboratories generally specialise on one of the following medical laboratory sciences: 

  • Medical microbiology Examining and identifying bacteria and other microorganisms causing disease.
  • Clinical chemistry Preparing specimens and analysing the chemical and hormonal contents of body fluids. 
  • Transfusion science Collecting, typing and preparing blood and its components for transfusions. 
  • Haematology Studying the structures and functions of the different types of blood cells. 
  • Histopathology Examining tissue samples. 
  • Cytology Preparing slides of body cells and examining them microscopically for abnormalities that may signal the beginning of a cancerous growth. 
  • Immunology Examining elements of the human immune system and its response to foreign bodies. 
  • Virology Identifying infections and viruses such as hepatitis, AIDS and rubella.

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